Lendingking is seeking a Full Stack Developer with expertise in frontend development using React.js and backend development with Java Spring Boot, as well as familiarity with AWS.

Frontend Development (React.js)

1. **User Interface Design and Development:**

– Design and implement user interfaces using React.js.

– Ensure responsive design for different devices and browsers.

2. **State Management:**

– Use state management libraries like Redux or Context API to manage application state.

3. **Component Development:**

– Create reusable and modular React components.

– Implement component lifecycle methods and hooks.

4. **Performance Optimization:**

– Optimize application performance through techniques such as lazy loading, memoization, and code splitting.

5. **Testing:**

– Write unit and integration tests using tools like Jest, Enzyme, or React Testing Library.

– Ensure code quality and maintainability.

6. **Integration with Backend:**

– Consume RESTful APIs or GraphQL endpoints provided by the backend.

– Handle asynchronous operations and data fetching efficiently.

Backend Development (Java Spring Boot)

1. **API Development:**

– Design and implement RESTful APIs using Spring Boot.

– Ensure APIs are secure, scalable, and maintainable.

2. **Database Management:**

– Design and manage relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) or NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB).

– Write efficient queries and use ORM frameworks like Hibernate.

3. **Service Layer Implementation:**

– Develop service layer logic to handle business processes and rules.

– Ensure proper validation and error handling.

4. **Security:**

– Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms.

– Ensure data protection and secure communication channels.

5. **Testing:**

– Write unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests using frameworks like JUnit, Mockito, and Spring Test.

– Maintain test coverage and reliability.

### AWS (Amazon Web Services)

1. **Cloud Infrastructure Management:**

– Set up and manage cloud infrastructure using services like EC2, S3, RDS, and Lambda.

– Ensure proper configuration and deployment of resources.

2. **Deployment and CI/CD:**

– Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines using tools like Jenkins, AWS CodePipeline, or GitHub Actions.

– Automate build, test, and deployment processes.

3. **Monitoring and Logging:**

– Set up monitoring and logging solutions using AWS CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and other third-party tools.

– Ensure the application is observable and issues can be diagnosed quickly.

4. **Scalability and Performance:**

– Design and implement scalable architectures.

– Use AWS services like Auto Scaling, Load Balancers, and CloudFront to handle traffic efficiently.

5. **Security:**

– Implement security best practices using AWS IAM, VPC, and security groups.

– Ensure compliance with relevant security standards and protocols.

### General Responsibilities

1. **Collaboration and Communication:**

– Work closely with cross-functional teams, including designers, product managers, and other developers.

– Participate in code reviews, team meetings, and collaborative problem-solving.

2. **Documentation:**

– Maintain clear and comprehensive documentation for code, APIs, and system architecture.

– Ensure that documentation is updated and accessible to team members.

3. **Learning and Adaptation:**

– Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in frontend, backend, and cloud development.

– Continuously improve skills and adapt to new tools and methodologies.

4. **Problem-Solving:**

– Identify and resolve technical issues and bugs.

– Provide technical guidance and support to other team members.

Hiring Process


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